Wars of the Roses Men at Arms

It’s been a while, gentle reader. Exams got the better of my desire to pick up a paintbrush, but they’re over for now. Today I offer the first batch for the big project for the rest of this year: two retinues for the Wars of the Roses.

Warwick and his Bodyguard

Warwick and his Bodyguard

These are from Perry Miniatures – mostly the Foot Knights box set, though Warwick (front and centre) is metal, from their Yorkist command blister. They are gorgeous minis; possibly the finest historical minis I’ve ever painted. If their Wars of the Roses infantry box is up to this standard, I’m going to have a lot of fun with this project.

The plan is to start with two retinues for Lion Rampant Osprey’s splendid-looking medieval skirmish rules (so 40-50 minis per side), then maybe build from that, to a larger battle ruleset.

Saga Welsh Infantry Finished!

At long. long last I’ve finished the Welsh infantry! This last batch takes me to 12 hearthguard, 24 warriors, 12 levy. Add in the warlord and bard (from this batch) and that’s a nice, round 50 minis. Here are the latest.

Hearthguard and Bard

Hearthguard and Bard

Warriors and Levy

Warriors and Levy

I still have work to do on this army. I want a couple of points of mounted hearthguard to give me even more options but this is a good milestone and a good point to take a short break from the dark ages. I’ll post a team photo of my army so far, later this week.



This beefy chap is Hansa, a character model from Beyond the Gates of Antares, the forthcoming sci-fi game from Rick Priestley and Warlord Games. He’s sculpted by Kev White of Hasslefree fame (I’m a shameless Hasslefree fanboy) and I think he’s ace!



The Bowler’s Holding, the Batsman’s Willie

Yes folks, these are 28mm cricketers. Armed 28mm cricketers no less. These are from Sloppy Jalopy, for VBCW – though they’d also be handy for a “what if” scenario of a German invasion of Britain during WW2.

They’re fantastic sculpts, really original – especially the bowler lobbing his grenade.

Chaps With Rifles

Chaps With Rifles

Dapper Chaps in Blazers

Dapper Chaps in Blazers

Bowler, Wicket Keeper and Umpire

Bowler, Wicket Keeper and Umpire